Dave's Genealogy


Dave's Genealogy Database - requires some passwords - contact Dave at genealogy@dpugh.net for more info.

Surname / Records list

Surname list - wondering if Dave might have some information on a common relative? If you find a match here, contact Dave at genealogy@dpugh.net so we can share information about our common ancestors!

Most Wanted:

If you're a member of one of these families, I'd REALLY like to talk with you. Please contact me at genealogy@dpugh.net. I have some questions about my family and you might have the answers!
  • Descendants of Daniel Felenchak (1888-1942), George D Felenchak (1916-1995), or William J Felenchak (1918-2000)
  • Descendants of Charles Bass (1873-1959) / Effie Caughell (1875-1960)
  • Descendants of William H Caughell (born 1860)

DNA testing for genealogy

I've had great success in utilizing genealogy DNA tests to find relatives I didn't know about. Learning about them has not only created an interesting family bond I was unaware of, but they frequently are able to provide me with information about distant relatives I didn't have before. By taking a genealogic DNA test, you can really help out here. It's easy - just a quick cheek swab or spitting into a tube is all it takes. No needles or blood required.

If you're a male, my recommended test would be from FamilyTreeDNA - order a Y67 and a FamilyFinder test.
If you're female, my recommended test would be from Ancestry. Once you get your results from this test, you can import them for free into FamilyTreeDNA's database as well.

If you're a relative of mine, I may even help offset some of the costs of your DNA test. I believe in their value that much. If you're not related to me, you should submit samples anyway. One of the key things I've come to realize here is that since we don't live forever, get DNA submitted for folks now instead of waiting - at some point it will be too late.

I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about genealogic DNA testing, and will eventually post some more info here about specifically what I've learned.

DNA image used under Creative Commons license: By Richard Wheeler (Zephyris) 2007. Solution structure of a trans-opened (10S)-dA adduct of +)-(7S,8R,9S,10R)-7,8-dihydroxy-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene in a DNA duplex. Produced from {{PDB|1JDG}}. ==Licensing== {{GFDL-